Thai Christians gathered at church raising hands and praying to intercede for Thailand during "Tears for the Lost" project.

Thai Christians gathered to intercede for Thailand during "Tears for the Lost" project.

The Blitz Thailand Project was intended to culminate in 2020 when seventy-seven provinces would have been evangelized simultaneously, but plans had to be adapted due to Covid. Instead, local churches in seventy- seven provinces were encouraged to intercede for the salvation of souls in Thailand under the Tears for the Lost Project. Praise God for the unity of thousands of Christians who gladly participated through face-to-face church gatherings and online intercession. We expect a fruitful harvest as our prayers reach God’s heavenly throne.

The growth of Christianity in Thailand slow-paced - the evangelical Christian population has remained at less than 1% for decades. Nevertheless, Christians are focused on Christ’s Great Commission. The Protestant Movement, consisting of three main denominations; the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand, Presbyterian and Baptist, has set Vision 111: one million Christians, 10,000 Churches and 10,000 Pastors by 2028.

Ethnos Asia Ministries works hand-in-hand with Thai churches to help achieve this vision goal. A few years back, Vision 20 was conceived; to plant a Christ-centered, mission- minded and healthy church in twenty provinces in northeast Thailand. Currently, thirteen churches have been planted in nine provinces. We are continually working on planting at least one church in the remaining eleven provinces.

Isaan, in northeastern Thailand, is the country’s largest region. It covers about one-third of the land and has twenty provinces. The population accounts for approximately one-third (twenty-two million) of the Thai population. There are only 960 churches there, with a Christian population of 0.2%.

DuringAugust2023,acampaigncalled ‘Revival Inside to Reach Outside’ will be started in Isaan. Churches will be mobilized to simultaneously ‘blitz’ their community and city with praise, prayer and preaching the Gospel in twenty Isaan provinces. Jesus promised to draw people to Himself as we lift His name; as we sow in tears for the lost, we will reap a sure harvest of souls; and in obedience to the Great Commission, we will preach the Gospel to the waiting souls in Thailand.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:2 NIV) Let this be our prayer for the nation of Thailand. Pray for the churches and the workers. Thousands of souls are waiting to be harvested. Praise His Name!

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
— Matthew 28:19 (NIV)

Anchored in Christ
